Custom software development – New direction

Through almost 12 years of professional activity, ModulesGarden has secured a strong foothold in the industry and continues to lead the field as the top destination for web hosting providers searching for high-end modules for WHMCS. With our company all set for further growth, we realize the responsibility of being even more sensitive to the evolving needs of our customers who have been crucial in our story. Motivated by this inviting prospect, we proudly unveil the next chapter in our business journey.

Seeing the new doors of opportunity open right before our eyes, we are shifting our focus away from providing custom software development services within the same broad scope we did in the past. Instead, we will be dedicating our time and workforce exclusively to projects connected with the most in-demand platforms being mostly WHMCS, but also cPanel, Plesk, and DirectAdmin.

By devoting our expertise to the systems most commonly used by our clientele, we are guaranteed to provide them with the WHMCS modules they are looking for the most. But what kind of long-term impact will this shift have, exactly? Essentially, the new direction will allow us to avoid splitting future development efforts between multiple, significantly different projects. This will free up plenty of additional resources that we will immediately leverage to deliver more frequent releases, more robust code, more effective support, and ultimately enjoy a closer and more harmonious relationship with our valued clients.

While this change may have caught some by surprise, it’s been undertaken with the thrill of fulfilling all your long-held expectations regarding our WHMCS offer. No more distractions, we are now solely focused on what truly matters to your business! This earnest promise naturally extends to our Developer Outsourcing service with the same reliable power you’ve always appreciated being now even more accessible! Whatever task you need to be handled – development works of any sort, software maintenance, priority treatment, expert know-how – we’ve got you covered.

Filled with determination and a renewed sense of purpose, we are excitedly certain that this next phase we are embarking on will bring about a remarkable journey of progress, not just for our company but more importantly for you, our cherished clients. Our firm commitment is to improve every tiny bit of customer experience, from WHMCS module updates and brand-new products being released more often, through enhanced module performance, to seamless interaction with our support agents across all departments. With you by our side, we can’t wait to take on new challenges and see where this adventure takes us!

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  1. Carlos

    Well, it is a bad decision to reduce and offer only products for a small or certain tools. For example, directadmin has grown a lot and you are not giving the value it deserves.

    • I appreciate your feedback, Carlos. What actually happens is that we are limiting some part of our services for the least popular platforms among our customers and directing our manpower to those web hosting related solutions that are most-wanted. We are still offering development services for control panels such as cPanel, Plesk and DirectAdmin. What is more, by no means we are leaving no modules from our offer behind that are integrated with or designed specially for DirectAdmin. Currently, we have a dozen of them and they will also benefit from our decision.

  2. Eric Caldwell

    Thanks for the update. Glad to see you focus just on these products because we have been waiting over a year for cPanel extended to support JetBackup 5 which still has no eta.

    WebJIVE is the original customer (my company) that funding the backup restore feature you have now. Would be nice to finally get JB5 support done and rolled out.

    • It’s great to hear that you’re pleased with our new path and that you enjoy our cPanel Extended module. At this point I would like to confirm that your request is listed under case #612 and awaits further implementation. What holds us back here is the fact that JetBackup has changed their V5 API and removed the UAPI support which makes this deployment quite troublesome and resource-consuming. A decent workaround and a complete section redesign is needed on our end before we can proceed. Feel free to discuss the details with us in your ticket, Eric.

  3. Hi,
    Interesting thinking, what about VPS modules, for example Proxmox VE modules?
    what about none servers modules like DNS Manager / CRM, etc?
    that active development on them will still continue

    Best Regards

    • Hi Shalom,
      No worries, we are going full throttle when it comes to further development and maintenance of our WHMCS modules, especially such gems as Proxmox VE VPS/Cloud VPS, DNS Manager and CRM. Active work on them (and many more) will continue and will be even intensified in the long run. This is one of our main goals here – to put more emphasis on further growth and evolution of our product offer.

  4. Your products have helped us save so much time and bring so much value to our clients. Thank you for what you have created for WHMCS and for us.
    We appreciate YOU!

    • Thank you so much for your kind words and heartwarming feedback, Gail! I’m absolutely delighted to hear that our products have contributed to your business success and made a positive impact. Knowing that we are making a difference is incredibly rewarding for us, and your support means a lot to us. It is customers like you that inspire us to continue pushing the boundaries and creating innovative solutions for WHMCS. Once again, thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us. We truly appreciate YOU too!

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